Chengdu Derentang Jinsha Health Expo
Chengdu Derentang Jinsha Health Fair: a traditional Chinese medicine health care center with 300 years of history and culture in southwest China. It focuses on medical diagnosis and treatment, precious Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy, and Tonic Diet health care. Relying on the Tonic Diet health care products and technologies jointly developed by Derentang and the Palace Museum, it will build a healthy health care restaurant with Chinese medicine characteristics.
Inheriting the essence of "millennium old imperial cuisine, century old virtue and benevolence", advocating a healthy and healthy dietary philosophy, utilizing modern medicine, pharmacy, nutrition, and scientific processing and cooking techniques to innovate. Integrate the traditional Chinese dietary cultural concepts of "medicine and food are the same source", "medicine borrows food power", and "food helps medicine power" with modern health preservation concepts. Traditional Chinese medicine health tea formulated according to the season and climate, and health wine with different effects brewed for different physical groups.